Include all authors' names in the order that they appear on the title page (not in alphabetical order). Only the first initial is provided for any given names.
If you are referencing an entire book that has an editor (rather than an author), start the reference with the editor's name followed by the designation Ed. or Eds. in brackets.
If you are citing a chapter from a book, begin the reference with the author, date, and title of the chapter, then add the editor's name (preceded by the word "In") and the title of the book in italics. You should also include the page numbers for the chapter in brackets. This is followed by the publication information.
In general, only the first word of the title and subtitle are capitalized, with the exception of proper nouns. If not the first edition, the edition number is provided in brackets after the title.
Search the library catalogue - Primo Page 1+
Press on the title of an interesting item - article, book, etc.
On the Details page, press the Citation generator - a Quotation mark icon.
Copy the Citation to Clipboard and paste into a Word document to be used for each individual assignment.
Use the library's APA pages and Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.
Information required for a book reference includes:
Examples of references:
One author and edition other than the first:
Carpenito-Moyet, L. J. (2010). Nursing diagnosis: Application to clinical practice (13th ed.). Lippincott.
Two or more authors:
Benner, P., Tanner, C., & Chesla, C. (2009). Expertise in nursing practice: Caring, clinical judgment, and ethics (2nd ed.). Springer.
Sinclair, R., Hart, M. A., & Bruyère, G. (Eds.). (2009). Wicihitowin: Aboriginal social work in Canada. Fernwood.
Chapter from a book:
Galván, A. (2012). Risky behavior in adolescence: The role of the developing brain. In V. F. Reyna, S. B. Chapman, M. R. Dougherty, & J. Confrey (Eds.), The adolescent brain: Learning, reasoning, and decision making (pp. 267-290). American Psychological Association.
Examples of in-text citations:
Indigenous art, teachings and history are now being shared using 21st century tools such as social media. (Seneca College, 2022).
A nurse's understanding and response to illness are not based on abstract concepts but rather on a knowledge of the patient's situation and clinical experience with other patients who have similar medical problems (Benner et al., 2009).
According to Carpenito-Moyet (2010), patients with rheumatoid arthritis reported that their fatigue was "related to joint pain" (p. 255).
According to Seneca College (2022), “A pretendian is someone who claims Indigenous identity without being able to back this claim up with connections to an Indigenous community” ("Pretendians", Chapter 10).
NB. this in-text citation, quote uses page title and chapter because the work does not have page numbers.
Galván (2012) states that dopamine is involved in several cognitive behaviours including "learning, reward sensitivity, addiction, decision making, motor skills, and plasticity" (p. 274).
Example of a reference
Mack, R., & Spake, G. (2018). Citing open source images and formatting
references for presentations [PowerPoint slides]. Canvas@FNU.
These are resources created to be freely shared online. You may see the terms Pressbooks, eCampus Ontario, BCcampus, OpenStax, Creative Commons, among others.
Example of a reference
Seneca College. (2022). Skoden: Teaching, talking, and sharing about and for reconciliation. Open Library.
Example of in-text citations
Indigenous art, teachings and history are now being shared using 21st century tools such as social media. (Seneca College, 2022).
According to Seneca College (2022), “A pretendian is someone who claims Indigenous identity without being able to back this claim up with connections to an Indigenous community.” (Pretendians, Chapter 10)
NB. this in-text citation uses page title and chapter because the work does not have page numbers.