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MLA Style Guide: Pamphlets & Brochures

This guide is designed to help students learn about MLA style and cite sources for their research.

Quick Tips

References to brochures or pamphlets are formatted in the same way as those to entire books. If the author is a corporation or organization, begin the reference with the corporate author.

Often a brochure or a pamphlet will not contain all of the information you require for a reference.  If there is no date of publication, you may supply an approximate date in square brackets, e.g. [2018] or [circa 2018].

In many cases, the corporate author of the pamphlet is also the publisher. If so, you may use an abbreviation for the publisher's name in your reference.

Pamphlets & Brochures

Information required for a reference to a brochure or pamphlet includes:

  • Author or corporate author
  • Title
  • Publisher
  • Copyright date

Examples of References:

Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario. A Graphic Designer's Guide to Pro Bono Work. RGD Ontario, 2007.

Natioanl Film Board of Canada. Stop-Motion Animation Workshop. Animation Resources. NFB, [2017].

Society of Graphic Designers of Canada. Vancouver Island Chapter. Design Cares Travelling Exhibit: A Celebration of the Role Designers Are Taking To Make a Positive Impact on the World. GDC, [2016?].

Examples of In-Text Citations:

The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario indicates that it is fairly common for professional graphic designers to offer their services free-of-charge to charities and non-profit organizations as a way of giving back to the community (1).

A thaumatrope is an optical game invented by an English physician named John Ayrton (Nat'l. Film Board, Stop-Motion Animation Workshop 4).

Subject Guide

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Jeff Green
Library, Room 3021
705-566-8101 ext.7330