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MLA Style Guide: Technical/Government Reports

This guide is designed to help students learn about MLA style and cite sources for their research.

Quick Tips

If there is no individual author for a report, you may start the reference with a corporate author, i.e. the name of the company or organization responsible for the report's content. To list a government department as a corporate author, begin with the name of the country, province, or city, etc. Follow this with the name of the department and any subsidiary departments responsible for the work. For example, Canada. Industry Canada. Networks of Centres of Excellence.

A technical report may not contain all of the information you require for a reference. If there is no date of publication, provide an approximate date of publication in square brackets, e.g. [2018] or [circa 2018].

In many cases, the corporate author of the report is also the publisher. If so, you may use an abbreviated form of the publisher's name in your reference.

Technical & Government Reports

Information required for a reference to a technical or government report includes:

  • Author or corporate author
  • Title
  • Report number
  • Publisher
  • Date of publication
  • URL and date of access (for reports retrieved from the Internet)

Examples of References:

Apple, Inc. Core Animation Programming Guide. Apple, 2010.

Canada. Industry Canada. Improving Canada's Digital Advantage: Strategies for Sustainable Prosperity: Consultation Paper on a Digital Economy Strategy for Canada. Cat. No. Iu4-144/2010E.Govt. of Canada, 2010.

Zeman, Klarka. An Overview of the Specialized Design Services Industry. Cat. No. 63F0002XIB, No. 37. Statistics Canada, Services Industries Division, 2001, Accessed 23 Oct. 2019.

Examples of In-Text Citations:

Canada has expertise in communications technologies, new media, and microelectronics (Canada, Industry Canada 20).

A company that offers graphic design services might also engage in other acitivies such as web design, market research, and brand management (Zeman 1).

Subject Guide

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Jeff Green
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