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MLA Style Guide: Format

This guide is designed to help students learn about MLA style and cite sources for their research.

Quick Tips

*Always check with your instructors first to ensure that you are following their specific requirements for the formatting of a research paper.

Except for page numbers, leave margins of one inch at the top, bottom and on both sides of the text. Leave a 1/2 inch margin above the page number.

Unless required by your instructor, it is not necessary to prepare a title page. Instead, you may double space your name, your instructor's name, the course number and the date at the top of the first page of your report flush with the left margin.

Number all pages consecutively throughout the research paper in the upper right corner, 1/2 inch from the top of the page. Type your last name before each page number.

Centre the title of the report on the first page. Indent the first word of each new paragraph 1/2 inch from the left margin and double space the text of the report.

If a direct quotation consists of more than four lines, it is displayed in a double-spaced block of text indented one inch from the left margin. Do not enclose the block text in quotation marks. The parenthetical reference is placed at the end of the quotation after the final punctuation mark. If you are omitting part of the quotation, insert three ellipses ( . . . ), with a space before each ellipsis and after the last, in place of the omission.

First Page

1" margin 1/2" margin

Smith 1

1" margin

John Smith

Professor Wilson

History of Graphic Design 101

8 May 2012

1" margin
Indent first line of new paragraph 1/2"

The Bauhaus and the New Typography

The Bauhaus school, founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar, Germany, combined crafts with fine arts and was devoted to the idea of combining all of the arts in ...

Second and Subsequent Pages

1" margin 1/2" margin

Smith 2

1" margin

The Bauhaus had a profound influence on early twentieth century developments in art, architecture, graphic design, and typography ...

1" margin

Quotations of 4 Lines or More

1" margin 1/2" margin

Smith 5

1" margin

Indent block text
1 inch from margin

The Bauhaus school was based upon a system of beliefs derived from the socialistic ideals fostered in Germany after the first World War:

For Gropius and many progressive artists and architects in Germany, the end of the war was the beginning of a new history. . . . Gropius's and the Bauhaus's forward looking and implicitly leftist emphasis succeeded in capturing the imagination of many young people who sought a new Germany after the devastation of World War I. (Daichendt 158)

1" margin

Subject Guide

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Jeff Green
Library, Room 3021
705-566-8101 ext.7330