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Tutoring Services

At Cambrian College, we want every student to succeed. To make sure that happens, the Learning Centre provides free tutoring for a broad range of subjects.

Student Tutoring Expectations

As a student participating in the Student Tutoring Program, I will meet the following expectations:

  • I allow the release of my College email to other students in the Student Tutoring program.
  • I will be on time and be prepared for my scheduled tutoring session(s).
  • I will respect the time of my peer and will provide a minimum of 24 hours notice in advance if I must cancel my appointment.
  • LEARNER: I will NOT expect homework to be completed by the Tutor as this is considered Academic Dishonesty.
  • TUTOR: I will NOT complete any homework for the Learner as this is considered Academic Dishonesty.
  • I will check my Cambrian College email account regularly for messages and updates.
  • I will accurately report appointments for payroll purposes and understand that any falsified hours will result in removal from the Student Tutoring Program.
  • I will keep the Learning Centre Coordinator informed of any issues that may arise between Tutor and Learner.


Professionalism must be maintained during online appointments and behavioural expectations are the same as on-campus appointments. All students must comply with the following:

Professionalism during all appointments is required and all policies and program expectations must be followed.


If a student needs to cancel an appointment, they must give at least 2 hours notice prior to the scheduled start time of their appointment. The student must cancel using either the cancellation link in their confirmation email or directly through the TutorOcean platform.

Should a student fail to give the required notice, the student will be credited with a “no show” in the system. If a student receives three “no shows” in a semester, that student will be suspended from Tutoring services for one academic semester.

If a student wishes to appeal a “no show” ruling, they must notify the Learning Centre Coordinator within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment. At that time the student and the Coordinator will arrange a time to meet and discuss the situation in detail.

Students are limited to booking 2 sessions per subject per week.

If a student is found to be intentionally circumventing any of the Learning Centre's policies, that student may be suspended from the services offered through the Learning Centre for a semester or longer, depending on the severity of the situation.