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Copyright & OER: OER

OER Librarian

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Jeff Green
Library, Room 3021
705-566-8101 ext.7330

Chair, Academic Excellence

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Marnie Seal
Library, Room 3021V
705-566-8101 ext 7651

Terms of Use

Much of the material in this guide has been adapted from Lansing Community College (LCC) Library Research Guide on Open Educational Resources (OER) by Regina Gong and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, and the and the CLO Learning Portal Faculty Copyright Toolkit, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This site was designed solely for informational purposes for Cambrian College faculty and staff. All other users are encouraged to check and confirm the information with their institution.This site is prepared by library staff and is not reviewed by legal counsel.

Library Resources

                                                                           ​Discover ebooks

Don't forget that you can use library resources for your courses, too! The library has license agreements that cover databases and ebooks. These agreements normally allow for emailing content and linking content through Moodle. Some may allow you to use the content as handouts or in course packs. Contact the librarian to determine what is allowed.

What is OER?

Open Educational Resources, or OER, refer to any teaching and learning materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open licence, such as a Creative Commons Licence or GNU General Public Licence, that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution with no or limited restrictions.

For more information about using OERs, check out this toolkit:

Finding OER


Business Mathematics

Business in Canada

Business Communication

Business Law

Business Ethics



Consumer Behavior

Media Communication


Art & Design

Information Technology

Medical Terminology


Exercise and Fitness

  • Exercise Delivery: This highly interactive resource discusses how to properly preform various common exercises. Each examined exercise technique includes a number of pictures and videos discussing the proper techniques and forms. Each unit also includes a short series of self assessment questions for students.
  • Introduction to Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals: This resource provides an overview of human anatomy, biochemistry, and effective aspects of fitness programs.  
  • Health and Fitness for Life: This resource provides an overview of various principles and theories of fitness and nutrition.
  • Biomechanics of Human Movement: Designed for first year bio-mechanics students this resource explores the basics of human movement and kinesiology and human movement.

Medical Laboratory:


  • Human Nutrition in a Canadian Context: This Canadian focused resource provides a basic overview of the theories, principals, and mechanisms underlying human nutrition. Also provides an overview of Canada's food guide and nutrition labels in Canada.
  • Human Nutrition: 2020 Edition: Outlines common nutritional principles and mechanisms. Also includes a section examining significant vitamins and nutrients along with their effects on the human body.

Wound Care

  • Skin and Wound Care: A useful resource for nurses or paramedics, this resource provides an overview of common injury/wound types along with common treatment and assessment methods.


  • Microbiology: Canadian Edition: Designed to be used as an introductory resource to common microbiology principles for health science students.
  • Microbiology 201: Explores common microbiology principles used by a number of health science disciplines.
  • Microbiology: Designed to provide an effective introduction to the common principles of microbiology.

Personal Support Worker

  • Foundations for Assisting in Home Care: Designed as an introductory resource for first-year personal support workers this resource provides incoming workers with a basic overview of the topics and principals used by support workers to deliver effective care.

Anatomy and Physiology

  • Anatomy & Physiology: An excellent resource for an introductory course examining human anatomy and physiology. Includes a large number of full colour reference images. 

The following is a list is a range of OER materials/textbooks sorted by topic:

General Lists

  • OER by Subject Directory: This list of resources was compiled by the University of Regina and was designed with the goal of providing a list of OER resources to faculty that could be used as course material. Subjects covered include: science, health sciences, indigenous studies and business.
  • OER by Discipline Guide: Compiled and updated by BCcampus this resource contains information on a wide range of educational topics including; social sciences, law and justice, trades, and academic upgrading.
  • OER by Discipline Guide: McMaster University: While compiled by a University this resource contains a large volume of useful recommendations for health science, business, and science sources
  • OER by Discipline: University of Manitoba: Contains a large volume of materials on general arts courses

Open textbooks are free, online learning materials with Creative Commons licenses. Many of the collections will have links to the same books, but each will have a particular focus, and items you can't find in other collections.

Top Recommended 

Other Great Sources

OER repositories contain more than just open textbooks.  All content featured within these pages is free but usage rights vary. Materials in these repositories are released under a Creative Commons license while some are in the public domain.

  • TED Talks - TED’s videos are all Creative Commons licensed, unless otherwise indicated.
  • YouTube – Videos with a CC license can be found through Advanced Search options on both of these platforms
  • Vimeo - List of all CC licensed materials currently on Vimeo
  • Prelinger Archives : Free Movies - repository of public-domain materials and home movies
  • National Screening Room - Database of public-domain historical films maintained by the American Library of Congress
  • Pexels - Contains a large volume of contemporary public-domain videos and photos

Virtual Reality

Open data may include non-textual material such as map-based data, mathematical and scientific formulae, medical data, demographic data, financial data, and so forth. The collections listed below are all freely available to use, integrate, modify and manipulate to meet local needs.

  • University of British Columbia’s Open Data Collection - A repository of Canadian geospatial datasets, with some local datasets for the lower mainland and UBC campus.
  • Open Data Canada - Government of Canada’s open data sets, covering demographic, financial, map data, and more. 
  • City of Greater Sudbury Open Data Portal - Open municipal data for the City of Greater Sudbury
  • EU Open Data Portal - A portal housing a variety of open data across EU policy domains, including the economy, employment, science, environment and education.
  • - Comprises U.S. federal data with links to U.S. states, cities and counties with web sites that provide open data. Note that non-federal data available through may have different licensing than open licensing.

Search for OER

MOM iconMason OER Metafinder (MOM)
Advanced Search

The Mason OER Metafinder performs a simultaneous search across 21 different sources of open educational materials. For more information, visit the MOM website.

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